October 2009 Newsletter

qqb-001a_450x75.jpg Newsletter

from the Queen

Is your accounting scaring you?

October 2009
The Top 5 Fears people have about their accounting:
1.  I’m too far behind and can never catch up.

2.  It’s in such bad shape it will be too embarrassing to show to anyone.

3.  It will be too complicated to fix.

4.  I’ll have to face how precarious my finances are.
5.  It will be too expensive to get professional help


Many of us feel too scared at times to face our accounting situation. But hiding from the unknown keeps you from growing your business and increases your stress level. Let the Queen and her team of experts banish those ghosts from your accounting desk!

Click to read how the Queen gave a Horror Story a happy ending, and find a checklist you can use to prevent scary accounting situations.

There is still time to get your year-end accounting in order. Call the Queen now (415-925-1830) and find out how easy it can be. Open the door, walk up to the desk, and kick that ghost out of your accounting office!



It’s never too late …

With your bookkeeping records in order, you can:

  • Manage your cash flow better.
  • Determine the most profitable segments of your business.
  • Make smart, informed business decsions.
  • Get in position for effective year-end tax planning.

For expert assistance in setting up QuickBooks or getting your bookkeeping in order, call:

(415) 925-1830


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